This is an index of projects I (Josh Krauth-Harding) created while a student at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI.

Project title Class Year Description
🌷 Icon DGD-412 ADV COM DESIGN II 2021 For my final thesis, I created a microsite investigating the ways in which queerness is co-opted by capitalism.
📖 Artist book DFA-165 EXPLORING THE BOOK 2020 I created this tool to generate unique color block compositions which I then printed and bound into a single-run book.
🖋️ Scroll to feed and back again DGD-373 PUBLICATION DESIGN 2020 After reading The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan, this project compared and contrasted different formats of content.
🚌 2020 Detroit Transit Report DGD-312 INTER COM DES II 2020 An e-publication which inventoried the current state of public transportation in Detroit.
🦠 Community Isolation Report DGD-374 DATA VISUALIZATION 2019 Early during the pandemic I texted a group of 30 local individuals daily and asked them to report their anxiety level on a scale of 1-5.
🏳️‍🌈 I was born in 1999, gay DGD-374 DATA VISUALIZATION 2019 What would my life have been like if I never came out of the closet? What if I was straight?
🗞️ Fake News Generator DGD-365 INTERACTION III 2019 After learning about GPT-2, OpenAI's advanced language generating algorithm, I created a lofi-version of their program which only generated fake news. This was just the software part of a full exhibition design project.
❤️ Like my post DGD-264 INTERACTION II 2019 A code-based exercise that contained revolutionary social commentary on social media (not really).
✏️ Detroit Do the Census 2020 DGD-264 INTERACTION II 2019 Microsite exercise encouraging Detroit residents to participate in the 2020 census after a lackluster showout in 2016.
🎒 Capitalist Scholar DGD-264 INTERACTION II 2019 An online archive of ten objects I purchased for school.
🩸 Blood banned DGD-263 INTERACTION I 2018 Baby's first website. Based on an article called "Should I Forgo Gay Sex to Donate Blood?" by Kwame Anthony Appiah.

← Go back if you'd like to see what I've been tinkering around with since graduating.